The Use of GIS Tools in Vector Control Programs; Management and Scientific Research
Caglar S.S. and C. Karacaoglu Ç. KARACAOGLU
Hacettepe University Science Faculty Biology Department (ESRL), 06800 Beytepe, Ankara-Turkey
The GIS tools are being widely used in vector control programs. The benefits of these tools can be considered in two different aspects. One of their important role is the planning and management of
vector control programs. Another important role is more scientific that they provide some modelling oppurtinities and information on environment, vectors and parasites, diseases, etc.
Vector control programs are being done in urban, rural, touristic and many other areas all over the world, in different scales. The GIS tools are practical in managing this programs such as online tracking of staff working on field, determining the systematical sampling points, breeding sites, type and amount of insecticides used. By using the data collected and processed in GIS, future planning, predictions and decision making is more effective and easy.
Vectorial diseases can cause epidemics. In both presence and absence of vectorial diseases, if there is a vector than there is always a risk. By using remote sensing and GIS, environmental data,
entomological data, social data and many others can be converted into databases and digitally referenced data. By processing this data, distirbution maps of vectors, diseases risk maps, low and high resolution enviromental maps such as digital elevation, land use, climate maps can be created.
If we go one step further by using this GIS data some simulations with different environmental conditions can be tested for vectorial diseases epidemics.